
NHK Kouhaku list *New*

Well, there is another set of list right now. Oh no.. why did they remove w-inds. again? T__T

Even though I don't want them to remove w-inds., if this list has been finalized, I won't be surprised.

Because fans have been saying last year the reason why w-inds. wasn't there was due to their senior, SPEED.

At the old list, there isn't SPEED but this new list has it; hence w-inds. name has been removed.

Plus w-inds. is having yet another Christmas event this year... so, i guess it could be similar to last year where they aren't participating Kouhaku but having an event of their own with their fans.

I want this event to be on DVD too! haha! Then it will make up for their withdrawal of Kouhaku. But I am still sad. w-inds. is the only reason why I watch Kouhaku every year ever since I like them but I didn't watch last year due to they have been removed and this year too.. if they don't have it, I will boycott Kouhaku yet another year.

【白組予想】 △秋川雅史、△Aqua Timez、○中孝介、○嵐、○五木ひろし、○井上陽水、○EXILE、○大江裕、○加藤清史郎、○北島三郎、△ 北山たけし、○キマグレン、△木山裕策、○コブクロ、○ジェロ、×羞恥心withPabo、○SMAP、○東方神起、△TOKIO、○徳永英明、○氷川き よし、○樋口了一、○BIGBANG、○平井堅、△ヒルクライム、○福山雅治、○布施明、△ポルノグラフィティ、○前川清、○美川憲一、 ×Mr.Children、△水谷豊、○森進一、△森山直太朗、△矢沢永吉、○WaT

【紅組予想】 ○aiko、△alan、△青山テルマ、○秋元順子、○あさみちゆき、○安室奈美恵、○絢香、○アンジェラ・アキ、○いきものがかり、○石 川さゆり、○AKB48、○大塚 愛、△加藤ミリヤ、○川中美幸、△GIRL NEXT DOOR、○倖田來未、○伍代夏子、○小林幸子、○坂本冬美、○ さくらまや、△JUJU、△Superfly、△SPEED、○天童よしみ、○中島美嘉、○中村美律子、○西野カナ、○浜崎あゆみ、○Perfume、△ 原由子、○一青窈、○平原綾香、○藤あや子、×藤岡藤巻と大橋のぞみ、○水森かおり、○和田アキ子

Note: The above list is not taken from NHK or any official site related to NHK Kouhaku; hence do not be too sure yet. I just hope w-inds. will be able to participate this year.

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