
[SINGLE SCANS] w-inds. New World/ Truth ~Saigo no shinjitsu~

Here are the scans for all the 3 versions. I should have put this up earlier but then I was too busy with the wedding preparation; hence I have to wait until now. I have just put up the video format on youtube yesterday.

Version A (CD + DVD)

Version B (CD + DVD)

Regular edition (First press)

First press stickers all the 4 kinds. I got Keita for this ^_^ (Happy~)

Have you guys bought it yet? Which version did you buy and if anyone of you bought regular edition, whose sticker you got? It has been a long time since the last I am overwhelm over all these because it has been a while ago since w-inds. has such omake in their single of having 1 card or sticker of 4 kinds. hehe!

If you want to watch a video version for the scans, click here. I made this for the purpose of post-released promotion for this single.

1 comment:

  1. I shouldn't be asking, but do you have the clear scan of Ryohei-san sticker? (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rtYco9J6gb0/SycbBK1McDI/AAAAAAAAAbY/Tsp3jfnLbWE/s1600-h/o0240043210333950119.jpg) May I have it? If so, thank you in advance. If no, it's ok.
