The reason is, I got kind of bored at this drama. lol
Now when I am recalling back, if it weren't for Keita, I wouldn't really have watched this drama at the first place. lol.
Anyway, I posted a few screen caps again because Harada was so sad and that makes me sad too. haha!
So, yesterday's episode was about, Harada saw Shinichi together with Sawai-sensei and saw that her hand was clinging to Shinichi's arm. Heart broken with teary eyes. awww...
And due to Shinichi is his best friend, he decided to give up on Sawai.

Aww.. the biggest shock of his life!

Heart broken.. totally heart broken ne. The handsome heart broken man. lol.

Aww for teary eyes.. T__T

So, they had a talk after that. Shinichi looks unhappy. Perhaps he thinks that he doesn't want to hurt Harada.

Then Harada asked him not to worry as they will still be friends!

Aww.. an expression of forcing himself to smile even though he is sad. Heart breaking.

Slight preview for next week.
Sigh.. this drama is kind of predictable you know. Sawai is going up and down with Shinichi but at the end, Shinichi will still be with Akiyama as this drama is meant for both of their relationship. haha! So, at the end, is Sawai going to be with Harada? Hope not!!! *Evil laugh*
Anyway, I just think in reality if a girl who has no interest in a guy but she likes the other guy instead but once they do not have any chance to flourish, that girl goes with the guy whom she doesn't have interest with before is kind of... oh well, it's just like because she couldn't be with the guy she likes; hence she goes with the guy who likes her but she doesn't have any interest in him before. So, the story outline for this part turn me off a little. If the outcome of this drama is as predicted as what I have just written.

So, it's just like whenever Harada thinks he has a hope, suddenly his hope will be crushed due to certain things happened and when that's over.. something happened again giving Harada another hope; yet something happened later to crush it, then give him back hope. Sigh.. I am really tired of such plot now. hahah!

It's almost ending?