
World stage VMAJ 2010 + Twitter celebrity ranking

Fans, don't forget tomorrow.. I mean today.. hehe! to watch World Stage VMAJ 2010 at MTV yeah.

It will be aired worldwide in 150 countries!!

That is to say, w-inds. awesome performance will be known to the whole wide world!!

This is the time for them to SHINE to the entire world!!

Well, they are pretty shinning but not shinning enough!! They are perhaps crystal shine right now but we hope to push them to diamond shine!! hahaha!

So, don't forget to catch their performance yeah!!

World stage VMAJ 2010@MTV August 6, 2010 [23:00 ~ 24:00]

w-inds. will be performing New World!! Super energetic dance of all time. haha!

Last but not least,  Twitter celebrity hall of fame ranking... guess who is on the top?

This is only for Japanese celebrity.

Yes! It's none other than KT!! Ryuichi is at 2nd. haha!

Take a peep.


  1. Yay! that all was great! thanks everybody!
    a girl I know said that w-inds. have debuted in Germany xD I don't know if it is in my country 'cause I don't know when to watch it lol. but that's great anyway! I missed the show, can you upload it or something please? ;_;

  2. lady: hi there! sorry for my late reply. the performance is actually the same performance as what i have uploaded earlier but it was aired for about 1 min plus. it's in 150 countries and so you country is prolly one of them ^_^

  3. Its aired in Singapore in June already. And its on MTV Asia. Not everyone could watch it as its a paid channel. D: But I watched it already ^^
