
w-inds. 29th double A side single

Their upcoming double A side single will be released on end of October.

The title of the single will be While sleeps/ Never again

The first song, "While sleeps" will be another production by Mr. Ryousuke Imai. It's a song with a feeling of future dance tune.

Never again is a sorrow medium tempo love song provided by BACKLOGIC or perhaps BACHLOGIC. BACHLOGIC is one of the music composer for Hybrid dream.

This single will be released in 3 versions and version A and B will come with an event draw lots ticket and first press sticker.

That's the brief information of this single for now.

I am absolutely excited for this single!!! haha! oh no!! I guess w-inds.M return DVD will have to wait again. yikes!!


w-inds. FC DVD "THE GOLDEN" + Live at Budokan

Lately I have been busy working; hence there is little update from me. haha!

Anyhow, w-inds. FC DVD's release is planned to release on October 2010.

It will be FC limited edition item as per usual.

Price will be at 4,571円 (excluding tax) 4,800円 (tax included) ※600円 (mailing but undecided)

Secondly, w-inds. summer tour in Japan has finally ended yesterday at Budokan. T__T

Keita too was too emotional and he cried as a result during the MC. Awww...

Above is a screen cap gotten from スパモニ morning news.

You guys can watch it here


World stage VMAJ 2010 + Twitter celebrity ranking

Fans, don't forget tomorrow.. I mean today.. hehe! to watch World Stage VMAJ 2010 at MTV yeah.

It will be aired worldwide in 150 countries!!

That is to say, w-inds. awesome performance will be known to the whole wide world!!

This is the time for them to SHINE to the entire world!!

Well, they are pretty shinning but not shinning enough!! They are perhaps crystal shine right now but we hope to push them to diamond shine!! hahaha!

So, don't forget to catch their performance yeah!!

World stage VMAJ 2010@MTV August 6, 2010 [23:00 ~ 24:00]

w-inds. will be performing New World!! Super energetic dance of all time. haha!

Last but not least,  Twitter celebrity hall of fame ranking... guess who is on the top?

This is only for Japanese celebrity.

Yes! It's none other than KT!! Ryuichi is at 2nd. haha!

Take a peep.


w-inds. M Returns DX DVD

Tomorrow is the official date of release eh.

I nearly forgotten about it. haha! The reason why would I forgotten about it is, I didn't pre-order. haha!

well, tight budget and all for this month and so, I have to wait for 2 more weeks in order to buy it. Sigh~

How I wish by then, the first press postcard is still available T__T

Here are the pics of the DVD.

The postcard

Owner of the pic yanting530@twitter

In the meantime, Ryohei's twitter has finally started!! yay! He has started to tweet as well. hehe!


Ohh in the meantime, do take a look at what ladydidy wrote at the fan's chat corner yeah. Do support w-inds. fans. Do it for the international fans.