Hahah! I am sure many of you have known that Ryuichi has a twitter account right?
I have twitter since last year but not really sign in to tweet but lately i have been tweeting like crazy due to Ryuichi.
And now.. just a few minutes ago, Keita has opened his Twitter account too! In less than 30mins, he has flooded with followers. haha!
He tweeted to Ryuichi by saying sorry for the late reply as he still doesn't really know how to use it and asked Ryuichi to teach him. lol
oh dear... just hope that he will tweet more yeah.. since he has abandoned his blog for quite some time now. haha! This is going to be fun!
I think Ryuichi mentioned somewhere that let's tell Ryohei to join twitter. I hope Ryohei does. I will definitely check on his twitter even if I don't have twitter account.