
w-inds. New songs

I have uploaded new songs on my blog's player.

The Ninja that you saw on the left is my blog's player. haha!

The first song being played is call Message and so far this song is only available for ringtone download purpose only. It's only available at mobile site for a limited time only.

Let's hope that this song will be added in one of the tracklists in their next album.

2nd song being played is Tribute, one of their couplings from their upcoming single, New World/ Truth~最後の真実~, which will be release on 2009.12.09.

Really excited about this song because honestly, I love this song more than truth itself. haha! What do you think about it? However, I am still excited to watch the PV for Truth since it's their first that they filmed it overseas. hehe!

3rd song is nothing unfamiliar for you w-inds. fans because we have heard it before and during concert too. Yes, it's none other than don't remind me but this is a live version.

Though it's a live version, it's really clear and this is a full version.

The version that I had earlier on was a version from Keita's freestyle radio session. I love love love this song. This is still the best song that I like out of all their new songs. hehe!

I am truly excited about this single. So, dear fans, have you all pre-order this single yet? Or will buy it when it's out? Please do so.

Support w-inds.!

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